By Jennifer P. Rendon
If you’re fond of publicly displaying too much physical interaction and intimacy, Iloilo City might not be a place for you in the future.
This is if Councilor Johnny Young would have his way to disallow the excessive public display of affection or PDA.
Young, who chairs the Committee on Moral Recovery, said he might push an ordinance that would prohibit excessive PDA in the metropolis.
PDA could range from simply holding hands and exchanging light touches to torrid kissing and fondling in public places.
Others might be okay with it but some cringe at the sight of it.
Young said there’s nothing wrong with holding hands, a light kiss, or a quick hug.
“But it’s a different thing if you go into torrid kissing for 30 seconds,” he said.
Young believed that in a predominantly Catholic country like the Philippines, this might pose as “not a good example” among the youth.
He also took into consideration the acceptance among adults who might be offended by seeing unrestrained physical intimacy in public.
But before going deep into his proposal, Young said he would check if there are existing laws or ordinances that already prohibit excessive PDAs.
If there is none, he would then draw guidelines on what comprises excessive PDAs or acts that border immorality.
Young said there are countries that have already disallowed PDAs.
“When I visited Singapore around 10 years who, there’s an area there that has a signage that PDA is prohibited,” he said.
Young also cited India where he claimed that those who do PDA are penalized or imprisoned.
He said that he might call for a committee hearing and would ask representatives from the women, religious, and youth sectors and the local police.
When asked about the penalty, Young said he might propose community service.
“My purpose here is to just discipline those who might breach the ordinance,” he said,
Young also had in mind posting reminders in establishments like bars and restaurants to remind the public against excessive PDAs.
A video of two “kissing” bar customers that went viral also prompted Young to push for the measure.