Jobless man shot dead while sleeping

Photos of the house of victim Esmael Graciadas Bastian, who was shot dead while sleeping Wednesday evening in Barangay Maralag, Mambusao, Capiz. (Photos courtesy of Mambusao PNP Station).

By Felipe V. Celino

ROXAS CITY, Capiz – A 50-year-old jobless man was shot dead Wednesday evening, July 24, at Sitio Nabunan, Barangay Maralag, Mambusao, Capiz.

Police identified the victim as Esmael Graciadas Bastian.

Police Captain Shaney P. Allanic, Mambusao PNP chief, stated that the victim’s daughter, Jinky, was shocked to learn that her father was shot in the head by an unidentified suspect.

Jinky informed the police that she, her father, and a lady friend named Berry had dinner together before he went to sleep around 8 p.m. She mentioned that her father did not consume any liquor that evening.

She added that while she and Berry were chatting on the phone, she heard two gunshots around 10 p.m. However, they ignored the sounds, believing no one was around.

When her friend went to the room to get a foam around midnight on July 25, she discovered a bloodstain on her father’s pillow. They also found a gunshot wound on his head, and he was already dead.

She called her 20-year-old brother, who was sleeping in another room, to contact the police.

The victim had been separated from his wife for three years, and they had five children, all under his care.

Police investigation indicated that the victim’s unruly behavior when he got drunk might be the possible motive behind the incident.

The victim often shouted for a fight with anyone while under the influence of alcohol.

The police are currently investigating the incident to identify and arrest the suspect.

The victim’s house is made of light materials with no fence or barrier.