Man shot to dead in own home

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By Jennifer P. Rendon

A 46-year-old driver was shot dead inside his own home in Banate, Iloilo evening of May 29.

The family of Renante Peñaflorida was busy with their fiesta celebration at Barangay San Salvador, Banate when the gun attack happened at around 9:50 p.m. on Monday.

Peñaflorida was on a drinking binge with some visitors in their front yard when he was shot.

Witnesses claimed that there was no commotion or confrontation that happened prior to the shooting episode.

They claimed to have heard gunfire that emanated outside the bamboo fence of the victim’s property.

The victim was seen falling to the ground with a gunshot wound on his head.

He was immediately brought to the nearest hospital but was declared dead on arrival.

Investigation is still going to identify Peñaflorida’s assailant.