By: Leobert Julian A. de la Peña
With the main aim of bringing the Ilonggo athletes to the next level, basketball players, enthusiasts, sports personalities and prominent politicians trooped to Jaro Gym to witness the opening ceremony of Mayor Jerry P. Treñas Dinagyang Basketball Cup.
The presence of the Executive Assistant for Sports Mr. Rudiver Jungco Sr., commissioner Von Fernandez, and congresswoman Jamjam Baronda excited the crowd and were hyped for the exciting games.
The basketball tourney features 8 tough competing teams: The Estancia Mariners, Guimaras Leopards, Asialink E&C Trucking, ODM Sportswear, TEJ Builders, Iloilo Doctor’s College/Suarez Ball Club, Uniwheels Cars Display, and the Department of Public Works and Highways.
The tournament will continue until January 2020 and will also feature road games to be announced in the very next games.