Menstrual Health Day highlights need to end period poverty

On May 28, Menstrual Health Day, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Philippines joined the global movement to raise awareness about menstrual health and combat period poverty. Through various initiatives, AHF aims to address the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products and dismantle the stigma surrounding menstruation, which affects the well-being of women and menstruating individuals.

“Menstrual Health Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing menstrual health as a fundamental aspect of overall well-being,” said Nenita C. Laude-Ortega, Country Manager at AHF Philippines. “AHF is committed to advocating for equitable access to menstrual health resources and challenging the stigma that too often marginalizes menstruating individuals.”

In many parts of the world, menstruation is still treated with silence, shame, and stigma, leading to inadequate access to necessary hygiene products and facilities. Menstrual Health Day serves as a crucial platform to bring attention to these issues and advocate for better menstrual care.

For Menstrual Health Day, AHF organized various activities across the country, distributing free sanitary pads to those in need and offering free HIV testing. These events aimed to provide practical assistance and create opportunities to discuss menstrual health openly, challenging cultural stigmas.

AHF’s efforts are part of a broader mission to ensure that everyone has access to essential menstrual health resources. The foundation believes that raising awareness, providing resources, and fostering open dialogue are key to ending period poverty and stigma. An estimated 1.8 billion people menstruate globally, yet 500 million experience period poverty, lacking access to products, safe facilities, and supportive communities.

Laude-Ortega emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts: “Together with our partners, we are working towards a future where everyone can manage their menstruation with dignity and without barriers.”

The stigma and barriers associated with menstruation can lead to poor health outcomes, missed school or work, and adverse effects on mental health. AHF invites individuals and organizations to join the movement to promote menstrual health and support those affected by period poverty.

By raising awareness and providing necessary resources, AHF Philippines and its partners aim to create a world where menstruation is recognized as a natural and normal part of life. This Menstrual Health Day, the call to action is clear: end period poverty and eliminate the stigma associated with menstruation.


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