MORE Power launches initiative to improve Transparency and Accountability

MORE Power, the sole distribution utility in Iloilo City, launched and implemented the use of Body Worn Cameras (BWC) by security personnel assisting its Systems Loss Reduction Program Teams.

The initiative aims to improve transparency and accountability in the firm’s operations, as well as improving customer satisfaction by providing a more efficient service.

Additionally, the company ensures compliance with the Right to Privacy by informing the public of the use of BWCs and instructing concerned personnel to secure consent from data subjects prior to any recording.

“The launch and implementation of BWCs is a positive move not only towards increasing transparency and accountability in the company’s operations but also to help increase public trust as the footage provides transparency and can help demonstrate that personnel are acting in accordance with policies and procedures, according to MORE Power President and CEO Roel Z. Castro.

BWCs are small, portable cameras that can be attached to an individual’s clothing or equipment.

These can record video and audio footage and are commonly used by law enforcement agencies and other organizations to increase safety and accountability.

In the case of MORE Power, the cameras will be worn by security personnel during apprehension operations. Subsequently, these are intended to be used by personnel of other field contractors conducting meter reading, line patrols, distribution of billing statements, and other similar activities.

One of the primary benefits of implementing BWCs is to help ensure that company personnel and contractors are following established procedures and guidelines in apprehension and security operations.

This can provide transparency and accountability in their actions. With the use of BWCs, customers can be assured that their concerns and complaints will be heard and addressed.

Additionally, the cameras can provide evidence in case of disputes or misunderstandings between the company and its customers, and if procedures were followed correctly.

Moreover, the use of BWCs can also result in improved efficiency and productivity. Personnel can identify areas for improvement in their work processes by reviewing the footage.

This can lead to more effective decision-making and ultimately improve the quality of service provided by MORE Power.

BWC footage can also be used for training and education purposes, allowing security personnel to learn from real-life scenarios and improve their skills and decision-making abilities.

However, it is important to note that the use of BWCs must be done with respect to the privacy rights of individuals.

As such, MORE Power ensures that they obtain the consent of data subjects before recording any footage.

Additionally, the company has put in place strict guidelines for the handling and storage of data obtained through BWCs.

Most importantly, the company ensures that the implementation of BWCs complies with the Right to Privacy by obtaining the consent of data subjects and making sure that strict guidelines for data handling and storage are in place before implementation of this initiative.