Mural painting tilt features DENR’s ‘Ridge to Reef’ programs

PENRO Andres Untal (center) poses with the judges of the Mural Painting Contest at the background which is the concrete fence of DENR-PENRO Antique. Entry No. 4 was declared winner. (DENR/PIA)

By Pilar S. Mabaquiao


SAN JOSE, Antique – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources recently staged a Mural Painting Contest that features the “Ridge to Reef” programs of the department.

A total of 30 artists from the province of Antique participated in the contest conducted recently at DENR provincial office here.

DENR Antique head Andres Untal, in an interview, said that the contest was successful in engaging the youth and other local painting enthusiasts to express their skills and craft in painting and at the same time participate in the advocacy to protect the environment.

The concrete walls of the DENR provincial office served as the medium of the painting with the theme “Ridge to Reef, for Everyone’s Relief,” an expression of the vision of DENR for a well-protected and sustainable environment.

Information Officer Mavi Mental said that the murals highlighted the connectivity in the implementation of the Department’s programs and projects from the uplands down to the coastal areas.

These murals shall serve as a reminder that the protection of the environment is everybody’s concern not just for the present but for the future generations.

For the winners, the first placer was to July E. delos Reyes and Ian Dexter P. Conise; second place went to the group of Jose Rian Mardoquio, Leila Ysabel Francisco and Patric Delgado, while the third place was given to Jan Frederick Grafane, Gellaga Bayeron and Ria Mae dela Cruz.

These paintings hoped to encourage everyone to do their part in the protection and conservation of the environment. (PIA)