NegOcc guv says public medical workers can receive donations

By Dolly Yasa

Bacolod City – Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson reiterated that there is nothing wrong for public sector medical workers to receive donations from benefactors who wants to help frontliners in the fight against the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Lacson made the statement after he recalled a memorandum order issued by the provincial legal officer prohibiting medical personnel in provincial government-run hospitals from soliciting personal protective equipment, face masks, and other medical equipment from private entities.

The order drew negative reactions especially on social media.

Lacson said that given the extraordinary circumstances caused by the spread of COVID-19, he wants to clarify that Negros Occidental continues to welcome and is extremely grateful for the unsolicited donations being given by generous benefactors.

He also said that the nature of the March 27 memorandum issued by Provincial Legal Officer Alberto Nellas Jr. was designed as a reminder for medical personnel of the province of Negros Occidental to be mindful of the law.

“However, it cannot be denied that this has caused confusion and stress to the public in these trying times, especially to our beloved benefactors and donors who volunteer and work tirelessly in helping our frontliners combat the spread of COVID-19,” Lacson said in his memo.

Provincial Legal Officer Atty. Alberto Nellas said the memo he issued was an internal directive to medical personnel of Negros Occidental, but the document did not prohibit donations from the private sector prohibited.

“On behalf of the provincial government of Negros Occidental, we are extremely grateful to the benefactors for giving us supplies, especially during this time of crisis,” Nellas said.

Nellas claimed he issued the memo because they received complaints that some medical personnel solicit medical supplies claiming that they are not receiving supplies from the province of Negros Occidental.

He said he only wants to make sure that what is supplied to them are at par with Department of Health standards.

Lacson also said that benefactors can directly give their donations like food to the medical and health workers.