New tricycle fare rates in Roxas City take effect today

The new tariff for tricycle fares in Roxas City takes effect today August 27, 2024.

By Felipe V. Celino

ROXAS CITY, Capiz – The city government will begin implementing new fare rates for passenger tricycles operating in Roxas City starting today, August 27.

City Councilor Rey Magallanes, chairman of the committee on public transport, announced that the new tariff will be posted on the front seat of every passenger tricycle, ensuring that the public can easily see it.

He urged operators and drivers to adhere to the new fare rates to avoid disputes with passengers.

A minimum fare of P15 will be imposed for the first two kilometers, with an additional P5 for every succeeding kilometer. A discounted fare of P10 will apply to senior citizens, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and students.