“The more we can organize, find and manage information, the more effectively we can function in our modern world.” – Vint Cerf
THE ongoing reshuffling and reorganization of key positions in various government offices should not be treated as a tidal wave and a major event.
Many fresh administrations all over the country are doing the same, not just in Western Visayas; not just in the city and province of Iloilo.
Reassignments and revamps are normal. It’s the prerogative of any local chief executive.
What is not normal and should be denounced is when vindictive elected officials start to lower the boom on employees identified with their rivals in the recent elections and kick them out from their lofty jobs.
If they were only reassigned, they can still regain or retain their jobs and they won’t lose their livelihood.
Their families won’t half-starved and life must go on.
It’s another story if they are summarily dismissed even if they are permanent employees and, as a result, are forced to forage for food so that their loved ones won’t starve to death.
In government service, sometimes it’s best if we refrain from making a mountain out of a molehill.
When the wobbling Panay Electric Company (PECO) recently filed a criminal case against former Iloilo City councilors Joshua Alim and Plaridel Nava, Presidential Consultant for Western Visayas Jane Javellana, and former politician, Dr. Marigold T. Gonzalez, the news came out simultaneously in all the major publications, broadcast and TV networks with a loud thud.
The timing when the news blasted its way to the public was something that catches the eye: after the May midterm elections.
PECO administrative manager Marcelo U. Cacho filed the case on June 27, 2019. Media screamed in unison about it on June 28, 2019.
It’s very rare for news about a case being filed against a prominent person or group of persons to immediately attract helluva attention from the media and delivered simultaneously – unless it’s a flash report from a press conference.
In the story of the creation of the universe, scientists call it a “Big Bang!”
Even if the accused won’t be convicted when the case reached its climax, the purpose of letting all and sundry know that the key players in the anti-PECO movement have been slapped with a criminal complaint, was already served.
Even after Chief Supt. John Bulalacao has left the Regional Police Office 6 (RPO-6) as regional director and turned over the post to Chief Supt. Rene Pamuspusan in a ceremony on June 27, 2019, the Philippine National Police (PNP) has not responded to our report on the alleged massive recruitment of “soldiers” for enlistment in the armed forces of the “Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation” recently in Calinog, Iloilo.
Recruits were made to fill up a form with a sub-title of “Panay Tribal Governance for Self-Determination and Empowerment” and “Rejahnate of Panay.”
In the article we wrote most recently, we asked this question: “Are we being governed by another sovereign state right in our own independent civilian republic?”
“Are the police and military authorities keeping a blind eye on this supposed enlistment in a private army?”
(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two local dailies in Iloilo)