PNP-ACG, GCash honored for cybersecurity innovation at PhilSec Awards

The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) and leading finance app GCash were recognized for their exemplary contributions to securing the digital space at the prestigious PhilSec Awards, held at the Manila Marriott Hotel in Pasay City.

Police Colonel Jay Guillermo, chief of the PNP-ACG’s cybercrime response unit, was named ‘Cyber Innovator of the Year,’ while GCash’s Chief Information and Security Officer, Miguel Geronilla, received the ‘Enterprise Security Leader of the Year’ award. These accolades highlight the significant strides both entities have made in enhancing cybersecurity in the Philippines.

The PhilSec Awards, supported by the National Privacy Commission (NPC), Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), celebrate individuals and organizations that demonstrate exceptional commitment to innovation in digital security.

“We are truly honored to receive these accolades, which serve as a testament to the fruits of the collaborative efforts between PNP-ACG and GCash,” Geronilla said.

“The PNP-ACG has been instrumental in our thrust towards finance for all by establishing a safe cashless ecosystem for our users. Collaboration with the government is our best chance in fighting cybercrime. We express our utmost congratulations to the Police Colonel and chief of cyber response unit Jay Guillermo!”

Colonel Guillermo was recognized for his relentless pursuit of justice in cybercrime investigations and for developing strategies that bolster the PNP’s capacity to combat and respond to digital threats. His efforts have been crucial in safeguarding both public and private digital infrastructures across the country.

Geronilla, on the other hand, was commended for his leadership in implementing advanced security measures that protect millions of GCash users from scammers, fraudsters, and cybercriminals. Under his guidance, GCash has strengthened its defenses against cyber threats, ensuring the safety of users’ financial data and transactions.