PrimeWater begins projects amid Bacolod water crisis

PrimeWater breaks ground two water source projects on Tuesday to bolster water supply by a total of four million liters per day (MLD), benefiting residents of Barangays Eroreco, Bata, Mandalagan, Granada and Vista Alegre in Bacolod City. (Photo courtesy of Bacolod PIO)

By Glazyl Y. Masculino

BACOLOD CITY – “We are trying our best to cope with the water supply problem,” said Mona Dia Jardin, general manager of the Bacolod City Water District (Baciwa), responding to Mayor Alfredo “Albee” Benitez’s critique of PrimeWater’s service.

Jardin acknowledged the challenge of reaching all residents due to the exacerbating effects of El Niño on water scarcity.

Mayor Benitez had previously stated PrimeWater’s failure to meet contract terms, which stipulated a 24-hour uninterrupted water supply within two years since November 2020.

Benitez requested from Baciwa documentation of PrimeWater’s breach to consider contract termination or renegotiation.

In an interview with Aksyon Radyo Bacolod, Jardin noted the mayor’s right to his viewpoint but deemed the timing inappropriate for contract discussions amidst the ongoing El Niño impact.

“We are still working on their evaluation for a detailed review after the first phase of their contract,” Jardin added, clarifying Baciwa’s independence from PrimeWater.

PrimeWater has initiated measures to address the shortfall, planning to rent additional water trucks to bolster water distribution in the city.

Recently, PrimeWater launched the Highland Hills Water Source Development project, promising an extra two million liters daily (MLD) to Barangays Granada and Vista Alegre.

Additionally, the company commenced the Forbes Hill Water Source interconnection and pipelaying project to supply another 2 MLD to Barangays Eroreco, Bata, and Mandalagan, aiming to improve distribution and access to potable water.

To alleviate immediate needs, the city government has implemented water rationing in partnership with various organizations, supplying additional water to the most affected barangays.

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