PRO-6 apprehends 499 wanted individuals in April

By Jennifer P. Rendon

In a month-long manhunt operation in Western Visayas, the Police Regional Office (PRO) 6 successfully apprehended 499 wanted persons facing various infractions of the law during April.

These operations, which involved 425 different police initiatives, resulted in the arrest of 74 individuals classified as most wanted persons (MWPs) and 425 classified as other wanted persons (OWPs).

Both the Iloilo Police Provincial Office (PPO) and the Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) led the arrests, each securing 14 individuals.

They were followed by Capiz PPO with 13 arrests, Iloilo City Police Office (ICPO) with 9, and Aklan PPO, Antique PPO, and Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) with 7 each.

The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-Regional Field Unit 6 (CIDG-RFU6) made 2 arrests, while the Regional Mobile Force Battalion 6 (RMFB6) recorded one arrest.

In terms of other wanted persons, Negros Occidental PPO reported the highest number with 191 arrests, followed by Iloilo PPO with 66, ICPO with 37, Antique and Capiz with 27 each, Bacolod with 24, and Guimaras and Aklan with 23 arrests each.

Additionally, RMFB6 made 6 arrests, and CIDG-RFU6 made one.

Brigadier General Jack Wanky, the Western Visayas police chief, commended all personnel and unit commanders for their relentless efforts and commitment to the campaign against wanted persons.

The total of 499 individuals nabbed in April represents an increase of three arrests compared to March 2024, which recorded 496 arrests.