The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-Iloilo continues to conduct PhilSys Registration Step 2 of the national ID system via registration centers and mobile registration in the city and province of Iloilo.
As of February 2021, a million persons have already registered. Some of the registrants have already received their National IDs while some complained of not receiving their IDs even if they registered ahead of those who already have their cards.
Nelida C. Amolar, Provincial Statistics Officer of PSA Iloilo Provincial Statistical Office, asked for the registrants’ patience and support as the agency is prioritizing the distribution of the IDs to low income families who were registered in 2020 and in early 2021.
PSA still receives complaints on the delayed delvieries of the national IDs.
Amolar explained that after the Step 2 Registration, which involves the extraction of biometric information, the data will undergo standard verification process such as deduplication to ensure that the registrations are unique before a PhilSys Number (PSN) can be issued.
Once PSN is generated, the PhilID card will be personalized and subjected to multiple quality checks, and finally, will be attached to a PSN letter which will be placed inside an envelope before dispatching to the Phillippine Post Office for delivery.
These processes are put in place so that every registrant gets to enjoy a secure PhilID.
“Why haven’t you received your PhilID yet when the persons who registered at the same time as you already received theirs? It is because after Step 2 registration your data must undergo standard back-end processes which are generally done by batches based on the date of registration. However, certain factors may affect the order processing such as individual characteristics data,” Amolar said.
Other possible reasons why PhilID cards were not delivered at the same time as family members or persons you simultaneously registered with were:
(1) deduplication process may have flagged the need for your data to undergo manual verification and/or manual adjudication for possible duplicates within the PhilSys Registry;
(2) Phil ID card may not have passed the quality checks and thus require reprinting; and
(3) the Phil ID Card is possibly included in another batch for delivery of PhilPost.