Resolving workplace dissonance

By Herman M. Lagon

IN THE modern workplace, it is not uncommon to encounter individuals whose behavior challenges the harmony and productivity of the team. These are the toxic coworkers, individuals whose actions and attitudes can create a ripple of negativity, affecting everyone in their vicinity. Understanding and managing these personalities is not just about preserving a healthy work environment but nurturing an atmosphere where every individual can thrive.

Toxicity in the workplace manifests in various forms, from the overtly aggressive to the subtly manipulative. It could be the team member who never acknowledges their mistakes, who always takes credit for others’ work, or who seems perpetually embroiled in office politics and gossip. These diverse behaviors share a harmful effect: they erode trust, impede teamwork, and foster a stressful, anxious environment.

Understanding the roots of toxic behavior is the first step towards addressing it. Often, these behaviors stem from personal insecurities, a desire for control, or a response to past experiences. It is essential to acknowledge that beneath the surface of toxic behavior, deeper issues like fear of failure, diminished self-esteem, or external personal challenges might be lurking, influencing these actions. Approaching these individuals with empathy can sometimes unearth these hidden challenges, offering a path to resolution.

However, empathy does not mean tolerance of harmful behavior. Setting clear boundaries is essential in managing toxic coworkers. This involves communicating openly and assertively about unacceptable behavior and its impact on the team. It is about establishing a code of conduct that prioritizes respect and collaboration. This may mean having difficult conversations, but these discussions are vital for maintaining a healthy work environment.

Equally important is fostering a culture of feedback and growth. Encouraging open dialogue, where constructive criticism is welcomed, and personal development is supported, can sometimes transform toxic behavior into constructive participation. This requires a leadership style that values transparency, fairness, and the well-being of each team member.

The cascading impact of toxic behavior extends widely, affecting not only individual team members but also significantly influencing the collective morale and productivity of the entire organization. The stress and discomfort it causes can lead to decreased job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and even high turnover rates. This situation demands attention and action from both leadership and peers.

Leaders play a pivotal role in managing toxic behavior. They need to be vigilant in identifying and proactively addressing such patterns. This approach could entail offering training, team building, and resources for personal growth, resolving conflicts through mediation or conversation, or, in more extreme situations, enforcing disciplinary measures. A leader’s commitment to a healthy work environment is a powerful deterrent to toxic behavior.

Peers and support systems, too, have a role to play. By cultivating a culture of mutual support and respect, colleagues can collaboratively deter toxic behavior. This involves standing up for each other, offering support to those affected by toxicity, aminating good examples, and collectively advocating for a positive work culture.

In some cases, despite best efforts, the toxic behavior may persist. Individuals need to recognize their limits in such situations. Self-care and seeking support, be it from HR, mentors, or external counseling, become crucial. No job is worth compromising one’s mental and emotional well-being.

Toxic coworkers, unfortunately, are a reality in many workplaces. However, their presence offers growth opportunities—both for the individuals involved and the organization. Understanding the underlying causes of toxic behavior, setting clear boundaries, fostering a culture of feedback and support, and prioritizing the well-being of all team members can transform a challenging situation into a catalyst for positive change.

Managing toxicity in the workplace is a complex task that requires empathy, assertiveness, and a commitment to a healthy work environment. It is about balancing the individual’s needs with the team’s well-being. Leaders and peers alike have a role to play in this dynamic. Through collective effort, it is possible to navigate these murky waters and emerge stronger as individuals and as a cohesive unit. The journey might be challenging, but the rewards—a harmonious, productive, and supportive workplace—are well worth the effort.


Doc H fondly describes himself as a ‘student of and for life’ who, like many others, aspires to a life-giving and why-driven world that is grounded in social justice and the pursuit of happiness. His views herewith do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions he is employed or connected with.