By Reni M. Valenzuela
There is only one God (not two or three or a thousand) and He is the God of the universe. His name is Jesus Christ, not Rodrigo Duterte (or Apollo Quiboloy).
A wise leader thinks and acts with his own mortality in mind as a created being, realizing that he is not God and the truth will always prevail, pure and untampered, much less in the end. And that a time of reckoning will surely come for him. The Judgment Day.
Nemo patriam, quia magna est, amat sed quia sua. Nobody loves his country because it is great, but because it is his — and it is just. The time has come for the man who cursed God and ruled like a demigod to brutalize his people and nation like Ares in the Greek mythology, the god of the underworld, ruthless, heartless, soulless.
Too bad for those who worshipped and obeyed his commands. They will suffer similar fate, ending up just the same as the man or false god they venerated, served and bowed to. Glory be to the real God.
May the “tragic rulership” of our previous president be a lesson, a great lesson for each of our officials (present and future, local and national) to learn never to become “another god” or another Duterte. And may it be a lesson too, of course, a “life and death” lesson for the Filipino electorate.
“But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” – Amos 5:24
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” – Edward Abbey. But, for Filipinos, let me add, “Against China too.”