Seafarer killed in road crash

By Jennifer P. Rendon

A sea-based overseas Filipino worker died after he figured in a road crash early evening of Jan. 7 in Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.

Jules (full name withheld by police), 30, of Barangay Monpon, Barotac Nuevo, did not survive from injuries he suffered after he lost control of his motorcycle and ended up in an irrigation canal at Barangay Talisay.

His back rider, 18-year-old Nic, survived the incident with some abrasions on his head.

Lieutenant Cedrick Cruz, Barotac Nuevo police chief, said the duo came from a family excursion in Talisay village.

They were on their way home when the incident happened.

Cruz said that Jules could be speeding as he was traversing a dimly-lit portion of Talisay.

Nic was thrown out of the motorcycle while Jules and his motorcycle ended up in the irrigation canal.

They were rushed to Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center in Barotac Nuevo town but Jules was pronounced dead on arrival.

Cruz said that both victims were not wearing crash helmets.

Jules was also believed to be under the influence of liquor when the incident happened.