Search for next Negros top cop ongoing

By Glazyl Y. Masculino

BACOLOD City – Who will be the next top cop of Negros Occidental?

This was the question raised following the end of the two-year stint of Police Colonel Leo Pamittan as director of Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (Nocppo) here on January 8.

In a media interview yesterday, Pamittan said that there’s no order yet from the national headquarters, thus he extended his stay in the province, as he still acts as the provincial police director, pending the search for his replacement.

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson, recently said that there were two police officials who expressed interest in leading the provincial police force.

He, however, did not name them, as he would wait for the recommendation of the higher headquarters before deciding who would lead Nocppo.

Lacson said that he prefers a non-Negrense police officer, who is dedicated in the service, unbiased, fair, and with experience in leading a provincial police office.

Pamittan assumed as Nocppo director in January 2022, replacing Police Colonel Romy Palgue.