Second Batch of Golden Visas Issued to Hotel101 Madrid Owners

Recent photo of the 680-room Hotel101-Madrid construction site, set for completion by December 2025.

DoubleDragon’s Hotel101 Global has officially issued the second batch of Golden Visas to unit owners of Hotel101-Madrid, with all visas processed in less than 60 days.

The milestone is expected to significantly boost unit sales revenue for Hotel101 Global, as more international buyers take advantage of the investment opportunity.

The issuance of Golden Visas comes as part of Hotel101’s unique asset-light business model, which allows the company to generate revenue first from preselling hotel units and later through recurring income from hotel operations.

Hotel101’s dynamic room pricing via the Hotel101 Global App also adjusts rates based on real-time supply and demand.

The first three overseas Hotel101 projects are expected to generate USD471 million (PHP27.2 billion) in foreign currency revenues for DoubleDragon.

By 2050, Hotel101 aims to operate one million rooms globally, with 50,000 in the Philippines, positioning it to become the largest hotel company in the country and one of the top five in the world.

Hotel101-Madrid, which will feature 680 rooms, is expected to be completed by December 2025.