Secret Telemarketing Tips from Seasoned TLs in the BPO Industry

Are you managing a team? Keeping an eye on that prized TL promotion?

Or simply seeking ways to level up your game?

Here’s what former TLs (and now seasoned BPO executives) recommend.


Telemarketing work isn’t for the fainthearted. If you work for a BPO (business process outsourcing firm), you know how hard it is to be on the phones in the wee hours, servicing an irate client on the other side of the planet.  (Shout out to the weary doing cold calls!)  For the valiant who choose to be here (constantly braving naysayers and unreasonable clients alike), the telemarketing industry is thriving with opportunity. Do it right and the work can be extremely rewarding.

But just how do you build strong rapport?  How do you maintain that confident and friendly approach for EVERY call? Here’s what seasoned BPO practitioners have to say:

Tip #1:  Team members should be allowed to lend some personality to the script

Scripts are there for good reason.  It takes out the guesswork, ensures accuracy, and speeds the process along.  But people tend to shun robot-sounding (script-reading) individuals.  Allow members to inject their personalities into the script.  It communicates sincerity and makes the conversation more personal.

Tip #2: Have your members zero in on getting unique solutions across

Does the account involve sales? The basics of telemarketing demand that we highlight the benefits of the service or product. But little is done to demonstrate how it solves a prospect’s specific problem or issue. Get your team to ask probing questions. This bespoke approach allows them to align the product with your client’s unique needs.


Tip #3: Prep everyone for rejection

“Not interested” are dreaded words. But this is a reality many telemarketers face daily. Every. Single. Day.  We get that it’s frustrating.  But the key (and perhaps the only one) is to develop a positive mindset.  Grit. The knee-jerk reaction to any hostility is to interrupt or jump into defense. We’re human, after all.  But instead of locking horns and pummeling through, the more effective approach is to attempt probing questions.  You want to keep the conversation going calmly.


Tip #4: Don’t cower. Taas noo!

Many Filipinos shun sounding authoritative.  While the customer can be king, an authoritative and yet friendly tone communicates reliability and expertise.  Tone alone commands respect.  This puts snooty callers (and even the condescending snobs certain groups are notorious for) in their place.   Further, telemarketers are often blocked by “gatekeepers”  – those whose job it is to screen calls for their boss-decision maker.  Getting past the gatekeeper IS POSSIBLE. It can be done. It’s a skill learned through practice and experience.   Sounding authoritative without the swagger even helps build rapport until you get them to the next step of the sales funnel.


Tip #5: Keep close tabs on your team

The purpose isn’t to micromanage but to offer regular feedback.  Monitor the calls made by sales representatives to ensure that techniques taught to them are followed.  Provide praise as much as helpful points for improvement. Feedback isn’t just corrective, but empowering as well.

At Nearsol, we offer a wide gamut of telemarketing and process management services. Our thrust has always been results-driven. Our mantra “Always Customer Service” is more than a policy, it’s a culture robustly carried out from our CEO to all our team members across the globe.

We think of ourselves as allies to our partners and employees.  To work cohesively, the formula that has worked for us is cultivating great working relationships and promoting the culture of family.  We take care of our clients by taking care of our prized assets – OUR PEOPLE.

If a results-driven, and yet committed culture resonates with you, do check us out at