Show proof of death, cops say on missing woman’s case

Jessa Roxas remains missing to this day.

By Felipe V Celino

ROXAS CITY, Capiz – Police challenged those who claim that a 22-year-old woman who was supposed to be a prime witness in the murder of her boyfriend is dead already to show proof.

A concerned citizen allegedly told the family of Jessa Roxas that she was buried in a remote area of Brgy. Bahit in Panitan, Capiz.

Jessie Mae Roxas said in a radio interview that her younger sister went missing a week after her boyfriend Joebert Nepomuceno was shot dead on September 13, 2023, at Crossing Lanot in Barangay Lanot, Roxas City.

But Maj. Amie Bulaqueña, Panitan PNP chief, said that the family should present solid evidence and not rely on the chat conversation of the witness who is not known to the family.

She said that the witness should get in touch with the police and verify the exact location of the place where Jessa was allegedly buried.

“We have a procedure to follow before we could secure a search warrant including permission from the lot owner and clearance from the barangay officials,” she added.

Bulaqueña stressed that the police are open to helping the Roxas family resolve the case.

Jessa is a resident of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo but temporarily residing in Barangay MH Del Pilar, Jaro, Iloilo City.

According to Jessie Mae, Jessa was scheduled to go home to Iloilo City last September 14 but she went missing on September 13. They have had no communication since then.

Police reports indicated that Nepomuceno was shot thrice by two unidentified riding-in-tandem suspects while standing beside his motorcycle at around 12:45 am on September 6, 2023.

He was with Jessa and her other lady colleague during that time.

Nepomuceno died on the spot due to fatal gunshot wounds on his head and other parts of his body.

Four months have passed and the family is still hoping to see Jessa alive.

Meanwhile, the police are still facing a blank wall as to the identity of the two suspects who killed Nepomuceno for lack of witnesses to stand in court.