The Municipality of Sibunag is the Best Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) of the Province of Guimaras.
Mark Delotindo, Sibunag LDRRMO officer, said the award is a motivation to improve operations and also guide the local chief executive to increase priority on DRRM efforts.
“Since this is the first time for OCD to initiate this special category, it will help out in two aspects: first, on the motivational side of the actual people leading DRRM in our municipality and second, this will guide our LCE to heighten support to DRRM related programs and projects so all the needs and gaps will be addressed,” Delotindo said.
The award is part of the special category, Best DRRM Advocate, of the 21st Gawad KALASAG Awards of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council VI.
Jordan and Nueva Valencia towns placed second and third, respectively.
The concept of Gawad KALASAG (KAlamidad at SakunaLAbanan, SArilingGalingangKaligtasan) was adopted from the Filipino term for shield, ‘kalasag’, used by early Filipinos as a means of protection from attacks of enemies or harmful animals.
It was established as the country’s premier recognition scheme to various stakeholders that design and implement Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) programs that protect and shield high risk communities against hazards and render them more capable of addressing their vulnerabilities and coping from disasters.
Awarded during the Gawad KALASAG awarding ceremony at Smallville 21 Hotel on Sept 6, 2019.