By: Atty. Perla Garganera-Gauzon
SOROPTIMIST International Iloilo (SII), the host of the 27th mid-biennial conference, is eagerly looking forward to welcome delegates from different parts of the Philippines.
Soroptimist International President Elizabeth DiGeronimo of Philadelphia, USA and Soroptimist International Japan Delegate Mikiko Suzuki will attend the two-day celebration at Grand Xing Hotel on May 24 to 25, 2019.
More or less 500 delegates are expected to join the Conference.
The theme of this years conference is Nourishing the Minds of Women and Girls Through Education.
To highlight and focus on the theme, SII has invited GH Ambat, the DepEd assistant secretary for public affairs service (PAS) and alternative learning system (ALS), to speak on this topic.
Soroptimist International is committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspiration and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide. Education is always key without it, women will not be able to maximize their economic activity or contribute as effectively to their own communities.
SII Iloilo has just finished its project Dream It Be It which was geared towards mentoring girl students of Iloilo City public schools in their pursuit of higher learning.
In June 2019, SII will revisit the 10 selected public schools to evaluate the students progress.

The current SII officers are:
- Gudelia V. Coo
- Rosario H, Asong, PhD
Corresponding Secretary:
- Elsie Herrera, MD
Recording Secretary:
- Atty. Perla G. Gauzon, LLM
- Jane C. Jarantilla
Assistant Treasurer:
- Rosalinda S. Jardeleza
- Julie Ann A. Jaranilla
- Caroline N. Uy
Board of Directors:
- Leticia U. Chua
- Ma. Elena R. Divinagracia
- Gaudelia V. Doromal
- Atty. Mary Milagros A. Hechanova
- Valerie S. Maravilla
District Director, WV
- Ida M. Siason
(PP, Ex-Officio)
- Elma S. Maranon, MD