Teen nabbed but companion escapes gun raid

Police recovered illegal drugs and a loose firearm and ammunition in a raid in Barangay Bagonawa, San Enrique, Negros Occidental, that resulted in the arrest of a minor Tuesday. (Photo courtesy of San Enrique Municipal Police Station)

By Glazyl Y. Masculino

BACOLOD City – A 17-year-old boy was arrested by police while his companion managed to escape a gun raid at Sitio Asinan, Barangay Bagonawa, San Enrique, Negros Occidental last Tuesday.

Police withheld the name of the arrested high school student and his 29-year-old companion, who was the subject of the operation.

Captain Leo Estopa, town police chief, said they applied a search warrant against the adult suspect following complaints for alleged illegal discharge of firearm whenever he was drunk.

The search warrant for violation of Republic Act 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Law, was issued by Executive Judge Mary Jenifer Protasio-Arches of Branch 62 in Bago City.

Estopa said they also received information that the adult suspect was allegedly using the minor as an alleged drug runner.

The subject of the raid was previously arrested for a drug offense but was released through plea bargaining. He also had theft cases, according to the police chief.

It so happened that the minor was at the subject’s house during the raid. Police also recovered from him P240 worth of suspected marijuana, Estopa said.

The minor was turned over to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for evaluation and discernment for the filing of the case.

Also recovered from the house of the adult suspect were a .38 caliber revolver, five live ammunition of the said firearm, and P6,800 worth of suspected shabu.

Estopa said the adult suspect will be facing drug charges and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.

In his statement, Police Brigadier General Sidney Villaflor, director of Police Regional Office (PRO)-6, urged the regional police force to continue apprehending all those accountable to the law for peace and security.