Teener stabbed to death by adult neighbor

By Jennifer P. Rendon

A 15-year-old boy died after he was stabbed to death by his 28-year-old neighbor afternoon of July 26 in Janiuay, Iloilo.

Chris (real name withheld), a high school student and resident of Barangay Aquino-Nobleza East, Janiuay, was repeatedly stabbed while sitting in a roadside shed in their village around 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday.

The suspect, 28-year-old Mateo Renovar, allegedly approached the victim and plunged a knife into different parts of his body.

Chris was rushed to Federico Roman Tirador Sr. Memorial District Hospital but died at 3:59 p.m.

Renovar was immediately arrested and yielded the weapon he allegedly used in killing the victim.

Captain Alwin Salmon, Janiuay police chief, said they could not ascertain what drove the suspect to kill the victim.

“But he was telling us initially that he was angry because the suspect was spying on him,” Salmon said.

At one point, though, the suspect also claimed that the victim threatened him.

“We couldn’t get a clear answer from him because he’s been inconsistent with his statement,” Salmon said.

Renovar’s family claimed that the suspect has been taking medication for a still undisclosed mental health problem.

Salmon said the suspect is not on their watchlist of illegal drug personalities.

A case for murder will be slapped against the suspect.

“If his family insists on claiming that he’s mentally disturbed, it’s something that they should prove in court,” Salmon said.