The CMS Social Media Awards 2019

On its third year, the Communications and Media Studies (CMS) Social Media Awards is going a notch higher when it unfurls at Casa Real (Old Capitol) in Iloilo City on March 9, 2019.

This year’s event is themed “CSMA 2019: Rise of the Influencers”.

The CSMA has gone big by inviting universities in Iloilo that offer communication or media-related courses (West Visayas State University, University of San Agustin, Central Philippine University, and University of the Philippines) to be part of this prestigious event. The nominees are not only limited to communication or media students, anyone can be nominated as long as he/she came from the participating university and fits the criteria.

The “Rise of the Influencers” is used as this year’s theme to honor and recognize rising influencers in social media who utilize their respective platforms responsibly and use their influence to create a positive impact in the society.

With the ever-growing community on YouTube, the organizers decided to include Best YouTube Vlog in one of the Individual categories along with Best Use of Facebook, Best Use of Twitter, and Best Use of Instagram.

For the Organizational category, the awards are as follows: Best Community Engagement Campaign, Best Viral Campaign, Best Organizational Event Campaign, and Best Social Media Influencer.

The event is organized by Communication and Media Studies students of the University of the Philippines Visayas under Professor Robert Rodriguez, a final requirement for CMS 145 class.

CSMA 2019 is thankful to our generous sponsors: Think Space, The Daily Guardian, Rep. Ferjenel G. Biron, Bluqube, Southwest Travel and Tours, J7 Hotel, Camiña Balay nga Bato, CTR Graphics, The Cave, YM Travel and Tours, Panay News, and Project Iloilo.