The grapes of wrath

By Artchil B. Fernandez

How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children? You can’t scare him – he has known a fear beyond every other.” Du30 should have reflected on these words of Nobel winner John Steinbeck before conducting another disastrous live press event. He is playing with fire and is pushing the nation into the edge of precipice.

Du30 was irked by the incident involving Sitio San Roque, Quezon City residents who staged protest action calling for government aid after two weeks of being under enhanced community quarantine. The protesters, mostly factory and construction workers who are jobless and unable to earn for their basic needs are asking for food and other support from the government. Du30 accused them of formenting trouble.

“I will not hesitate. My orders are sa pulis pati military, pati mga barangay na pagka ginulo at nagkaroon ng okasyon na lumaban at ang buhay ninyo ay nalagay sa alanganin, shoot them dead,” Du30 thundered on nationl television. “Do not intimidate government. Do not challenge government. Matatalo kayo, sigurado (You’ll surely lose),” he added.

The reaction from the public was swift. Filipinos were stunned, angry, frustrated and irritated by the harsh response of Du30 to the incident. The real Du30 comes out in his live performance, a leader whose solution to every social problem is kill, kill, kill.  #OUSTDUTERTENOW trended number one in Twitter worldwide hours after another Du30’s epic public relations debacle. The troll farms/factories were overwhelmed.

Dwindling fanatics whose number continue to shrink (some movie stars who openly supported Du30 publicly confessed their mistake) tried to rescue Du30’s colossal PR flop by accusing the media of twistings his words. They also claimed it was aimed specifically at “leftists” and not at the general public. Whether Du30’s words were literal or figurative, whether he was serious or joking, whether he was singling out a particular group or addressing the public is immaterial and irrelevant. Regardless of intention, Du30’s choice of incendiary and inflammatory language to address the nation is the problem. He is pouring gasoline into the fire.

The country is in a serious health crisis. What Filipinos want to hear from the leader of the land who portrays himself as the “father” of the nation are warm, inspiring and calming words. Instead what they got are threats and intimidation. People need to hear reassuring, comforting, soothing and encouraging words that give them hope, that move them to collective action and unite the community. What Filipinos got instead is an order from Du30 to shoot dead those who for him cause trouble.

This is a dark and dangerous time. COVID-19 is making people jittery, anxious and fearful. Du30, who packaged himself as a crisis leader, must mananaged this crisis with calm and demeanor, firm and in control but kind and understanding of the people. People getting edgy, especially in cramped communities in the metropolis is expected in this time since they have no job and are worried about their hungry families. Threatening to shoot and kill them will not solve their hunger. It will only push them into the unthinkable. Du30 is playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship. He will end up burning the nation. Hungry people are angry people.

COVID-19 crisis exposed what Du30 really is – an incompetent and inept leader who cannot handle the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the land. He is also failing big time in handling the criticisms of how his administration is deal with the health crisis. He is failing in all fronts and his last recourse is force, intimidation and threat of violence.

Lucky for Filipinos and bad news for Du30 there are still level-headed and rational people within the police and the military. PNP chief Gen. Archie Gamboa quickly assured the antsy and nervous public that the national police will not shoot leftists and violators of the enhanced community quarantine. Police and military officials are fully aware (unlike their clueless commander-in-chief) that shooting people signals the breakdown of law and order. In such scenario, their forces will be definitely overwhelmed by rampaging mobs and will plunge the nation into anarchy and chaos.

There is no good outcome for the military and police if they follow Du30’s order of shooting violators and the so-called “leftists.” How many people can they kill before they are overcomed by angry and howling mobs of hungry people? There are 13.5 million residents in Metro Manila and once riots break out, there is no way the military and the police can contain the crowds. Their forces are limited in the metropolis.

Police and military officials also know that shooting thousands of hungry people is a crime against humanity. If they follow Du30’s bloody order, they will be tried before an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and genocide in the future.

This is the situation everyone wants to avoid yet Du30 is agitating and pushing the nation into this scenario. He foolishly assumes that in such situation he can realize his cherish dream of declaring martial law. But Du30 be warned, things can go out of control and it could end up ugly for him and his administration. In such messy situation, imponderables happen. There is no guarantee that things will turn out according to what Du30 wants or to his benefit. He may could the biggest loser of his cooked up scenario.

Du30’s inability to manage the COVID-19 crisis is sowing the grapes of wrath.  His solution to the crisis which is shooting people dead only ripens the grapes of wrath, ready for harvest. Du30’s should be careful what he wishes for. The wrath of hungry and angry people might smite him and his incompetent and bumbling administration. His threat of violence is empty to people who have “known a fear beyond every other.”  Marie Antoinette’s fate could be much better than Du30’s if he is not careful.