The “vaccine” is not a vaccine

By Modesto P. Sa-onoy


The “Covid-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021” was passed by the Philippine Senate on Tuesday last week and the House of Representatives adopted the Senate version of the measure on the same day, unusual without debate. President Duterte approved the bill right after it was submitted to him.

Our readers will recall that we criticized the original bill because of the provision that gave special privileges to the vaccinated. This proposed provision has been deleted from the final version. While there are still provisions that freedom-loving citizens should be concerned about, these are surmountable. The dictatorial provision that practically mandates the vaccination of all citizens is no longer there.

The main issue that Congress and all those in government did not bother to consider is their own admission that the vaccine does not ensure immunity from the virus. That being the case, I had raised here on several occasions the question – of what value or purpose does this so-called “vaccine” have?

Congress and the entire government did not bother identifying the substance that will be injected into the human body. I cited three dictionaries of the English language – British and American – and all declare that a vaccine prevents the vaccinated from being infected with the disease. It prevents and protects – that is the basic nature of a vaccine.

But the new law says that the “vaccine” that will be injected into the Filipinos does not protect from infection, does not provide immunity from the disease.

I am not a doctor of medicine but this I know – I can read and understand the English language and the English language says that a vaccine immunizes or protects. If it does not prevent or protect from a disease then it logically follows it is not a vaccine.

The definition of a carabao does not apply to a cat. Even if one applies the carabao definition to the cat that does make the cat a carabao.

The new law says the substance they are promoting is a “vaccine” but does not make a person immune. That the law says it’s a vaccine does not make it a vaccine.

This indeed is confusing and considering that almost every doctor and government official that opens his or her mouth in support of this government program say this substance is a vaccine.

So, what is their source of the definition of their alleged vaccine? Do the medical textbooks and all, have a different definition from that of the authoritative dictionaries of the English language?

We need clarification because mainstream and social media say that these Pfizer, Moderna, Sino-vac, Altra Zeneca, Sputnik and all of these being talked about are vaccines.

To reiterate. If these substances the government is pushing are vaccines, why is the government saying that the vaccinated are not immune? In simple language, the vaccinated is just like any other who was not vaccinated.

What then is the value to be gained from an injection that does not make a person immune? One radio station in Bacolod supporting this so-called vaccination program claims that if more people are vaccinated there will be a “herd immunity” therefore everything will be back to normal. It’s like “we licked the virus” assurance, which is far from what the government officially says.

To repeat ad infinitum, their vaccine will not give immunity so why is the government insisting on a falsehood? In fact, Bill Gates of Pfizer and Moderna, and one of the alleged masterminds of this pandemic, said that two shots may not be enough, a third may be needed but still without the immunity and protection. Translate that to: buy some more of the lie.

So what are we getting here? A substance merely peddled as vaccine of which it is not and costing billions of dollars that can enslave us for generations because the dollars had to be borrowed for one jab alone, but without any protection in sight. Will this not impoverished our country and be pliable to manipulation by the masterminds of this pandemic and their solution that gives no relief? How can all be fooled?

Is this not a monumental hoax, imposed on a helpless humanity battered by governments, media, and collaborating doctors?