the release of three Hawksbill Sea Turtles back to their home safely in Boracay Island, three turtleweaklings two Olive Ridleys and one Hawksbill that underwent rehabilitation were also released in the island recently.
Paw-Paw, Pew-Pew and Pon-pon were the names given to these juvenile turtles by Haron Deo Vargas, the marine biologist of LGU Malay who took care of them while they are on a rehab.
The two Olive Ridley turtles,Paw-paw and Pon-pon, were left behind by its co-hatchlings during their different release last February. Pew-pew wasstill weakwhen seen by divers at Bolabog Beach Boracay.
Before the release, the juvenile turtles underwenttreatmentbecause ofa skin disease,disclosed Vargas.
The rehab is necessary for them not to affect other marine animals. Mr. Vargas said that prior to their release, the turtles were also examined if they are fit for release.
The juvenile turtles were released at Angol Beach led by Boracay Inter-Agency Rehabilitation Management Group General Manager Natividad Bernardino. Also present are the Malay officials and tourists who enjoyed watching the juvenile turtles flip their clamps.
Regional Executive Director Francisco E. Milla Jr. said that the DENR Region VI is glad for the active support of the LGU Malay which greatly contributes to the achievement of the Boracay rehabilitation.
The constant releasing and sighting of marine animals in Boracay Island only indicates that the water there are now cleaner than before, Milla said.
But it also indicates that we need to strictly enforce environmental laws in the island to maintain the ecology of the waters of Boracay, he added.
Waters around the region are indeed rich grounds which can sustainably support diverse marine wildlife. Proof of that are the recent release of three marine turtles in Boracay Island which kickstart the celebration of the Month of the Ocean 2019; another in Iloilo province; and the sightings of whale sharks in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve in Guimaras province.
Such releases and additional sightings of mammals such as whale sharks in different coastal areas in the region calls for stricter protection for these precious animals. (DENR-6)