Two WV cops face axe for flunking drug test

By Jennifer P. Rendon

Two Police Regional Office (PRO)-6 personnel are on the verge of losing their badges after they tested positive for illegal drug use.

The two cops underwent a surprise drug test in the first week of July 2023 at the Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) and at the PRO-6 headquarters in Camp Delgado, Iloilo City.

Major Mary Grace Borio, PRO-6 spokesperson, said confirmatory tests were already done on the specimen they submitted.

“Again, they were found positive for illegal drug use,” she said.

Except that they are police non-commissioned officers (PNCOs), or those with ranks from Patrolman to Police Executive Master Sergeant (PEMS), no further details were released about their identities.

With the confirmatory result out, Borio said they would file administrative charges against the two personnel.

“A summary hearing procedure would be done wherein they would be given a chance to defend themselves,” she said.

They are expected to file their counter-affidavits.

“But dismissal from service might be in the offing since there is solid evidence against them,” Borio said.

The two police officers were part of the 5,821 personnel who underwent drug testing since Brigadier General Sidney Villaflor formally assumed as PRO-6 director on May 24.

Borio has earlier said that while the positivity rate is 0.034 percent, it still has an impact on their internal cleansing efforts since they are law enforcers.

PRO-6 is now almost halfway through the drug testing of more than 13,000 personnel.

When Villaflor assumed post as Western Visayas police chief, he vowed rid PRO-6 of undesirable members, especially those who are into illegal drugs.

Last month, PRO-6 procured 5,000 drug testing kits for its personnel use.

Villaflor said the move is part of the command initiative relative to PNP chief General Benjamin Acorda’s 5-focused agenda.

The drug test kits are for the exclusive use of PRO-6 organic personnel.