UP Internet Freedom Network is born

The UP Internet Freedom Network or “UP INTERNET” announced its establishment this week, becoming the first organization from the University of the Philippines focusing on internet freedom advocacy.

The organization aims to achieve a democratized Internet that prioritizes human rights, and a society where technology is used to empower people, and not used against them. The UP INTERNET was established last July 11, 2020, and is composed of students from the University of the Philippines Los Baños with backgrounds in computer science, communication, and other fields.

“This administration has made it almost impossible for citizens to access quality information with the poor or lack of internet access across communities, and an epidemic of disinformation in the form of fake news and state-sponsored trolls tolerated by the Big Tech in social media that continue to disturb and divide us,” said the alliance in their opening statement.

The alliance’s establishment comes at a time when face to face interactions are limited which makes coordination challenging, but the organization believes that now is the most crucial time to talk about internet freedom, when we’ve become increasingly dependent on online platforms.

“For us, the Internet is not just an extension of our lives, but a manifestation of our present political realities. Just the fact that millions of Filipinos do not have access to the Internet despite the push for online classes is because of government negligence. We want our cyberspaces to be open, safe, and secure—without censorship, surveillance, and attacks,” UP INTERNET founding president Mac Andre Arboleda said.

The organization plans on holding educational discussions on various issues concerning our internet freedom, which includes the problem with Internet infrastructure in the Philippines, the Anti-Terrorism Law, and disinformation rampant on Facebook and other platforms. The UP INTERNET also hopes to launch useful information campaigns and build alliances with like-minded groups and individuals.

In their mission to fulfill the 2015 Philippine Internet Declaration of Rights, and commitment for an Internet and technology that are inclusive, democratic, and rights-based, they said they hope to fight the good fight—online and offline. #

Follow the UP Internet Freedom Network on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. For inquiries, email them at upinternet.org@protonmail.com