The UPV Sentro ng Wikang Filipino launched the SWF Library named “Tarangban” at the UP Visayas Iloilo City campus on August 15, 2022.
Formally unleashing the ribbon in the library were UPV SWF Coordinator Asst. Prof. Jonevee Amparo, Office of Initiatives for Culture and the Arts Director Asso. Prof. Martin Genodepa, former SWF Coordinator Prof. Joel Labos, and Mr. Noel Galon of the UP High School in Iloilo. The word “tarangban” alludes to a cave that is referenced in the Suguidanon Epics of the indigenous Panay Bukidnon communities.
Prior to the launch, a lecture forum was organized at the UPV Little Theater with speakers Mr. Galon for Alternatibo at Independiyenteng Paglalathala Mula sa Kanlurang Visayas (Panahon ng Pandemya) (Alternative and Independent Publication from Western Visayas (In the Time of the Pandemic) and Asst. Prof. Amparo for “Panimulang Pagtuturo ng Paggamit ng Primer” (Teaching Preschool using Primer).
Dr. Harold Monteclaro, Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, opened the program on behalf of Chancellor Clement Camposano with a message that called for support of local language propagation initiatives in education.
The event was attended by teachers from DepEd Division of Iloilo Public Elementary Schools and High Schools, Oton Municipal Social Welfare Development Office, UPV Literati, UPV faculty, staff, and students. (Ms. AL Ramirez, IPO)