By: Modesto P. Sa-onoy
This kind of war is not yet perceptible, but we are already seeing the anti-Christ movements and satanic war against Christmas, the most celebrated event in human history – the birth of Jesus.
The anti-Christmas movements are showing their hands as they thought Christians are already accepting them. We know of Christmas cards and send them to family and friends through the years until the internet made sending messages convenient and costless. According to reports in the US, there are Christmas cards that depict winter holidays but not Christmas.
One notorious anti-Christmas move was also in the US where atheists demanded that the Three Kings displayed in a high school be removed because they propagate religion while a state legislature house was forced to also have its satanic tree decorated with demonic images, followers of Satan and of course, Satan itself.
A nativity scene apparently made by the LGBT community showed two “Josephs” standing by the crib with Mary. Also already accepted is the Christmas tree without the Nativity Scene although some of these trees appear like celebrating Christmas.
John Horvat II of Return to Order, described the emerging war against Christmas in America.
“Across the country, Satanic groups are forcing upon the public their mutations of the feast. They take advantage of public square celebrations of the real Christmas to introduce their own decorations, tree and ‘manger’ scenes laden with Satanic symbols and themes. They will often insist that these horrific displays be placed side by side with true depictions. Most of these attacks have no other purpose than to challenge Christmas since there is no comparable Satanic holiday at this time.
“The Chicago branch of The Satanic Temple, for example, has placed a display next to Christian decorations and trees in the Illinois Capitol rotunda called “Snaketivity.” The work consists of an arm holding an apple, with a snake coiled around it. There is also a sign that reads “Knowledge Is The Greatest Gift.” The display is a parody of the Incarnation that redeemed mankind from Original Sin lost in paradise.”
The sign opposes against God’s warning of the danger of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, the tree of good and evil. Before they ate of the fruit of this tree, Adam and Eve knew only of what is good. Horvat continues:
“A group called Satanic Bay Area is displaying a Satanic-themed Christmas tree in Cesar Chavez Park in San Jose, California. The tree has 140 decorations, including skulls, spiders and Pentagram-themed ornaments inside a family-theme Christmas tree display. It is all part of a constant attempt to mainstream Satanic themes and presence in the public square.
“The Incarnation signals the coming of Christ who would vanquish the power of Satan in the world. The placing of Satanic symbols next to and equal to those of Christians seeks to deny Christ’s victory.”
There are many moves against Christmas that we are not yet apparent because they are presented obliquely but they are there and we must be wary lest we also get entangled in them, like focusing on Christmas lights but not the true Light born laying in a cattle’s trough.
Happily, we are also gaining the war at least from the Philippine side. More Filipino communities abroad are bringing our traditions to the world. The latest and most significant is the adoption by Pope Francis of our Aguinaldo Masses right into the Vatican. This will be a signal to the rest of Christendom that the nine-day novena in preparation for the birth of Christ is more than the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, goodies and decorations, but the celebration of the Eucharist.
The Nativity scene with the Holy Family should be our focus without taking out the paraphernalia like the Christmas trees, the generous Santa Claus and the angels, the shepherds and the Magi. Collectively they tell the story of Christ being born, witnesses to God being Emmanuel.
Atheists and Satanists will always try to take these practices from us not frontally but with deception until we are hooked to the point of denial.
Some Christian groups in the US are fighting back and several business enterprises like Walmart have realized that there are more believers in Jesus than there are naysayers.
Filipinos had been in the forefront in fighting those who wage war against Christmas. The overcrowded Aguinaldo Masses speak extremely loud.