Song Title: We Will Overcome
YouTube: https://youtu.be/UjqT5a2Ey-0?si=V8Jti1t3SO8TsDNV
Release Date: 24 March 25 to coincide with Right to Truth Day
Music and Lyrics: Ooberfuse and Fr Shay Cullen
Producer: Hal St John
Artists: Ooberfuse and PREDA Home for Girls
Record Label: Future Sound of Fire, London UK
When the Trump administration killed USAID, it stopped vital funding to rescue, protect, heal and empower vulnerable children abused by their families, pedophiles and US servicemen.
In response, British Filipino band Ooberfuse have been working directly in Olongapo, Philippines with the People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation (PREDA) and its founder Nobel peace prize nominee Father Shay Cullen. In a music project using compelling images they are attempting to make the Foundation’s vital work more widely known to new audiences.
Father Shay Cullen says: “Now more than ever it is vital to the success of our work with exploited, trafficked and abused children to engage new supporters, partners and student interns. With rising tensions with China the American government have re-opened their military bases in the Philippines in readiness to protect US interests in South East Asia. With the reopening of these bases we will inevitably see a spike in the sexual and drug demands of US sailors. These demands as in the past will be serviced by Filipina women and children working in sex bars and drug dens offering every kind of perversion. The trade war with China and the cutting of USAID is the perfect storm – we need to take urgent action to continue our vital work of rescuing, protecting, healing and empowering the vulnerable and defenceless.”
Cherrie Anderson from Ooberfuse says “Growing up in the Philippines, I know that the biggest road-block to tackling the social ill of the abuse of children, so prevalent in so many cities and towns, is a prevailing culture of silence. Like an impenetrable curtain that blocks out the sun’s rays, this silence-culture forbids a child from protesting and speaking up against betrayals that lead to violations. Music is a powerful means to end the silence and to allow the light into this darkness.”
Hal St John from Ooberfuse, adds: “My heart was quite literally bursting with joy when we first heard the children singing at the top of their lungs “we will overcome” by “speaking truth to power”. The children, although they arrive at PREDA broken in two by their unspeakable experiences nevertheless leave transformed after healing therapies that reassemble the broken pieces. Father Shay’s incredible work is at the very frontier of a brave new world where all traces of child abuse is erased once and for all.”
All proceeds from this music project will go to PREDA. To donate directly to PREDA, click here: https://preda.org/donate/