By Klaus Döring
What are miracles in life? A miracle is an event that is inexplicable by natural or scientific laws and accordingly gets attributed to some supernatural or preternatural cause.
Still, there are other miracles that we tend to forget: The sun rises and sets each day; small seeds grow into mighty trees; the many components of our body work together, enabling us to breathe, run, dream and eat.
Allow me to move your view to other wonders, to supernatural happenings or to a prodigy. A “miracle” (from the Latin miraculum) can actually be found at any corner of our daily life. I am not yet talking about the so-called miracle plays, the popular medieval form of drama based on the lives of the saints or on biblical history.
Let’s begin with ourselves. Can you still see the doors of opportunity just opened for you? Why is it that so many people nowadays get tired instead of discovering their own “VIP” within? The Bible clearly states that God has “crowned us with glory and honour” (Psalm 8:5). “Honour” is equal to “favour”… To assist, to provide with special advantages and to receive preferential treatment…
No, these are indeed and definitely miracles. This should be common sense, but it seems that many of us have forgotten it!
In November 1981, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and given just a few months to live. Spread cancer! Some doctors told me that they had reached their limits on what they could do. My father left us during that time. I lived more than 500 miles away from our home in Berlin.
She passed away seven years ago at the age of 92, living in Davao together with all of us.
Can miracles happen in real life? Yes, even in the most impossible situations, miracles can become possible. The good thing about miracles is that we don’t have to wait for them to happen. They happen every day and sometimes even little changes are enough to see big miracles.
Yes. We have a supernatural God. I say this without thinking about special religious directions or ministries. We all believe in one God. As a Christian I would explain it as follows: He is not limited to the laws of nature. He can do what human beings cannot. He can make a way in our life.
Let us not imagine how hopeless a situation looks. We may not be a priest, pastor or preacher, but we can mix our simple words with God’s words and something powerful begins to happen. Miracles in life? Yes. But we should pray for them and believe in Him.
There is purpose and meaning in my life, even if it is chaotic. Miracles can happen in the chaos. Meaning can come out of madness.
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