Where’s the Catholic Church headed?-2

By Modesto P. Sa-onoy

In the interview of Cardinal MüIler I cited yesterday, is a portion where he described the infiltration of “neo-Marxist socialism of capital” in the Church. This is among the many developments that because of the intricacies of the concept, many do not bother to look deeper.

However, the cardinal’s explanation need to be written as this movement within the Church will have serious repercussions on us as well. The creeping ideology has in fact shown its ugly facets in many ways that I will cite in succeeding columns and explain what it means.

What is “neo-Marxist socialism”? Marxism and capitalism are diametrically opposed to each other so how can they embrace as a unified force?

The cardinal illustrated this new concept. He said “In China, we have a mixture of capitalism in the economy and communism in ideology, in a way that both systems become means of absolute dominion. In the West, during the crisis of the coronavirus, the ten richest men in the world have been able to increase the value of their fortunes by 550 billion dollars, while millions of people have lost their work or slipped below the poverty line.

“At the same time, the large media corporations are in their hands. Thus they hold a monopoly on the interpretation of world events, and the common people are regarded as a newborn to be cared for. This is a new form of mixing capitalism with Marxist control and domination of the masses.

“Why do you think that interested circles in the West admire the Chinese system of surveillance and control?”

It gives me the creeps – capitalism that prospers in a democratic society has adopted the communist system of surveillance of its citizens and control of their way of doing things.

We are into this loop already. Who suggested the mandatory use of face masks, closure of places where people gather and observance of the distance between people and prohibition of people touching another?

We recall that the originator of the coronavirus, China, told the World Health Organization that these are the ways to prevent the spread of the disease. And, without blinking an eye or “scientific study” the WHO directed all governments to follow suit. People like robots followed unquestioningly although scientists insist the mask does not provide security from the virus because the virus can pass through their mesh.

People, gripped with fear, without protests complied even as their liberties were curtailed and totalitarian measures were imposed – churches, schools, businesses and places of assembly were closed. Handshakes had disappeared and people feared leaving their homes.

Controlled mass media created the panic by focusing on the disease that infected and killed less people than the infectious tuberculosis. The daily infections and deaths were emphasized and less of recoveries. That created the fear. People were subdued and controlled.

The government began to implant a new way of life, the so-called “new normal” an undefined concept except that people should begin to follow orders without question and the police to enforce without warrants and of complete disregard for the constitutional rights of citizens.

There were pandemics of greater scope and fatalities than the Covid-19. The Spanish flu (Covid-19 is a flu), killed over 20 million around the world but churches, businesses and schools were opened. Religious services were continuous. The dead had their last rites.  Cholera killed thousands in Negros in a matter of two months in 1889, but churches remained opened. Priests died due to infection because they served the dying with the last rites.

Today, the Church succumbed to government diktat, victims as well of the New World Order that sadly has the cooperation of the Vatican. Are we seeing the fullness of what Pope Paul VI said in June 1972?

“We would say that, through some mysterious crack—no, it’s not mysterious; through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God. There is doubt, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, confrontation.

“The Church is no longer trusted. We trust the first pagan prophet we see who speaks to us in some newspaper, and we run behind him and ask him if he has the formula for true life. I repeat, doubt has entered our conscience.”

Continued on Monday.