Let me take time for a funny situation last Monday when the Department of Health inaugurated their much-ballyhooed vaccination program. While others readily allowed themselves to be guinea pigs, DOH Secretary Francisco Duque begged off saying he is over 64 years old.
This made a lie to the government claim that their much-awaited vaccine is the solution to the pandemic. If those of his age and over are not to be vaccinated and the DOH prohibits other forms of treatment, have they consigned the elderly to simply await death? Will not most of the members of the cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Congress and the President be exempted from inoculation?
It seems the lies and propaganda are catching up with the government officials and bureaucrats who are cocksure of their vaccine as the deliverance of the Filipino people from this Chinese-made virus. Duque has no faith in the Chinese-made product, even if donated. Let’s wait for others to come up with their excuses then we can have at least moments for laughter.
Well, like about 90% of people in Bacolod reportedly resisting the government’s effort to get vaccinated, I am also against allowing the government to inject into my body a substance of unknown source and incomplete methods of production. But I will cite a writer of more experience and insight than mine on why we reject the so-called vaccine.
Chananya Weissman of the Times of Israel. Check him out if you wish to know his credentials and his article, “31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine”.
After writing about the pandemic for about a year now and about the “vaccine” last quarter of 2020, I need no convincing of the wisdom and strength of his argument. Of course, everybody is free to decide for himself, in fact, the manufacturer of one of the so-called vaccines was reported to be unwilling to get his shot and for his family. That speaks a lot about why it is more prudent to reject this so-called vaccine.
Here are Weissman’s reasons that I will reinforce as they apply to us.
“1. It is not a vaccine (referring to the ones coming out into the market). A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take medical treatment for an illness I do not have.”
Note that Weissman calls the proffered “vaccine” as a treatment and as treatment goes, there is no assurance of a cure and there could even be an adverse effect. That is the reason the makers will sell only if they are free from accountability. That means – use it at your own risk. That’s clever and sneaky.
People who are not sick are going to be vaccinated. To repeat, why buy these so-called vaccine at horrendous prices and inject it when that “vaccine” does not do anything? Is that smart or what? Smart, of course, if someone gets kickbacks.
“2. The drug companies, politicians, medical establishment, and media have joined forces to universally refer to this as a vaccine when it is not one, with the intention of manipulating people into feeling safer about undergoing a medical treatment. Because they are being deceitful, I do not trust them, and want nothing to do with their medical treatment.”
Clear enough. Who would trust the medicine being offered by people who are perceived as not telling the truth? As we have already witnessed, the people that had been urging us that if we obey all their mandates even those that go against people’s constitutional rights, they will give us a cure. For months they proclaim that only the “coming vaccine” will put an end to the pandemic. And how many believed because the massive propaganda had eased out all other news and opinions and dissenters threatened?
They promised that with their “vaccine” we no longer have anything to fear. Now it turns out their vaccine is just like a placebo – cures nothing and protects nobody.
Continued tomorrow.