Woman dead, sister hurt as town’s rescue vehicle plows hut

By Jennifer P. Rendon

A woman died after a vehicle plowed through a shanty early afternoon of Oct. 10 at Passi City, Iloilo.

The fatality was identified as Meldred Padre-e, 50, of Barangay Bayan, Passi City.

She died while undergoing treatment at Don Valerio F. Palmares Memorial District Hospital in Passi City.

While Padre-e did not survive, her older sister, 59-year-old Chanie Padernal, survived the incident.

She’s now recuperating at a hospital in Iloilo City.

According to reports, the two sisters were taking a rest in a roadside nipa hut when the rescue vehicle of Passi City local government crashed into it.

Master Sergeant Gervin Palec, Passi City police investigator, said the sisters live a few meters from the scene of the incident.

After lunch, they usually spend the afternoon resting at the hut, which is just around two meters from the road.

According to reports, Louie Panizales, 28, of Barangay Sarapan, Passi City – the driver of the Toyota Hi-Lux rescue vehicle – said they were patrolling the area when the front right tire exploded.

After his tire blew out, Panizales said he lost control of the vehicle and later rammed into the roadside structure.

The driver attested that he was not speeding at the time of the incident.

Palec said the victims’ family has yet to decide if they would pursue a case against Panizales.

After the incident, the local government of Passi City extended help to the families of the two victims.