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Wow! Supreme Court

Wow! Supreme Court

By Reni M. Valenzuela

The disbarment of a profane, enigmatic lawyer in the person of Larry Gadon by the Supreme Court is noteworthy. More noteworthy still is that it came at no better time, when the man has just been newly appointed by President Bongbong Marcos as Presidential Adviser for Poverty Alleviation, oddly.

“The privilege to practice law is bestowed only upon individuals who are competent intellectually, academically and, equally important, morally. There is no room in this noble profession for misogyny and sexism. The Court will never tolerate abuse, in whatever form, especially when perpetrated by an officer of the court,” the High Court ruled. Wow!

“I have no regrets” was Gadon’s immediate reaction. But the fact that he has no regrets and is unrepentant, notwithstanding the resounding unanimous SC decision to rebuke him aside from the public condemnation he has been receiving for his misdemeanors, it makes the man all the more unfit and unworthy to hold a public office.

Gadon asserts that he would continue with his “adviser” work because the SC decision has “no bearing” on his position since the Malacanang post doesn’t require a lawyer.  Such a sensible reasoning – as if every government position requires a lawyer and as though a public office is not a public trust and requires proper conduct and right thinking.

The private life of a public servant (morally) is by far more telling as to how he will perform and behave than all the other qualifications he has in his resume, whatever position in government he occupies. Gadon’s guilt goes far beyond his offensive words. It mirrors him as a person. Matthew 12:34-40.

The Court’s judgment on Gadon shows that the justices of our present Supreme Court are not beholden to any political power (past and present) as they ought to be, since they must be beholden to no one – but to the Filipino people and to the sacredness of their sworn duty – to render justice.

More decisions like that in the future, dear SC justices, and your names may earn the worth of being etched on marble stones to be forever remembered and esteemed by the present and coming generations. Unprecedented.

Dear Mr. President, it is proper that all Filipinos (including those who didn’t vote for BBM like yours truly) should support you all the way as the chief occupant of Malacanang – in recognition of and submission to the biblical admonishment for people to submit to governing authorities (not evil authorities).

However, with due respect, your honor, it is not proper that you simply hand out positions in government like you personally own them – out of political gratitude. The vicious habit and cycle must end.

Wow! Supreme Court.

P.S. What about disbarring lawyers that concoct stories just to win a court case?