The West Visayas State University (WVSU) and Province of Guimaras signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the Capacity Development (CapDev) project for the Provincial Statistics Committee (PSC) members.
WVSU president Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz and Guimaras Gov. Samuel T. Gumarin signed the agreement.
The agreement moves towards strengthening and harmonizing the provincial data ecosystem of the province, establishing a non-complex database to safeguard its generated data sufficient to support the LGUs plans and programs and to provide data analysis in its Provincial publications/reports with appropriate graphical presentations.
The crafting of the joint project between the WVSU College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT), and the Provincial Statistics Committee (PSC) of Guimaras started in 2019 through the coordination/collaborative efforts of PSC Co-chairperson Nelida B. Losare of PSA Guimaras.
It was supposed to be implemented in 2020 but was moved to 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The MOA took effect on October 1, 2021, upon signing by the parties concerned and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2023, wherein series of training will be implemented from October 2021 until December 2023 to ensure the attainment of the objectives of the joint project.
“The CapDev project in partnership with the WVSU intended for the PSC members aims to: a.) provide a series of intensive training, workshops and mentoring sessions for the statistical workforce, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and technical personnel; b.) assist the statistical and M & E personnel of the LGUs (Province and 5 Municipalities of Guimaras) in the conduct of researches particularly in the development of reports and outputs, which include among others the preparation of updated, and standardized LGU’s Ecological Profile and the Annual State of Local Governance/Development Report,” Losare said.
“Moreover, the project also aims to introduce the use of the latest technological advancements in data analysis and presentation techniques to the participants. Another one is to organize the statistical and M&E personnel of PSC members and lastly, to come up with a venue to help address the statistical needs, data management issues, customer feedback, and other related concerns,” she added.
Losare also cited that the MOA contains the role and obligations of both parties.
The Provincial Government of Guimaras shall provide for the training venue, food, transport facilities, and accommodation (if applicable or allowed depending on the health protocols/restrictions) of training participants and 2-3 resource persons per day for 3-4 days per training, and the training supplies/kit reproduction.
PSC’s obligation includes the following: monitor training outputs of participants to ensure submission of reports required by the WVSU partner institution; coordinate with the Municipal LGUs and NGAs to ensure availability of data for analysis; monitor the preparation and submission of participants of their updated and standardized Ecological Profile and the Annual State of Local Governance/Development Report for 2021 and 2022, she said.
Losare also expounded that the responsibilities of the WVSU include: the provision of the expert trainers/resource persons free of charge; access to appropriate software/program; budget allocation for supplies and materials, and other expenses within its capacity for other relevant activities to be conducted; partnering with WVSU student organizations for the management of the extension program and producing training packets to be disseminated to the participants of the project.
The WSU’s tasks cover the conduct of regular monitoring and documentation of the activities, evaluation of the impact assessment, sharing of the evaluation report to the Provincial Government, and provision of a virtual platform for online sessions in case the conduct of face-to-face activities are not possible.
“To organize a platform as a means of mentoring the participants and monitoring their activities, guiding them in the application of their knowledge and skills acquired from the training in the production of their Ecological Profile, and Annual State of Local Governance/Development Report for 2021 and 2022, were also included in the MOA,” Losare said.
“The PSC is a subcommittee of the Provincial Development Council (PDC) created thru PDC Resolution no. 33 series of 2017, which was amended by Resolution no. 20 series of 2018 to primarily serve as the highest policy-making and coordinating arm of the Council on statistical matters in the province,” she added.