CHR hails UN reso promoting intersex rights protections

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) expressed strong support for the United Nations Human Rights Council’s landmark resolution aimed at protecting the rights of intersex individuals.

The resolution calls on Member States to implement reforms that enhance the visibility of intersex people and promote medical and mental health services tailored to their specific needs.

The UN resolution acknowledges the widespread stigma and discrimination faced by intersex individuals, leading to various human rights violations.

It underscores the necessity for both local and global efforts to combat “discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against persons with innate variations in sex characteristics,” and to address the root causes of this discrimination.

“People born with intersex traits do not fit the binary notions of male or female bodies, making them more vulnerable to specific human rights abuses,” the resolution states. These abuses include infanticide, forced medical interventions, discrimination in education, sports, employment, and other services, as well as a lack of access to justice and legal recognition.

The UN has been working on numerous initiatives to reinforce international human rights norms and standards concerning intersex individuals. The resolution marks significant progress in broader gender discourse, aimed at ensuring the overall welfare of all individuals.

The CHR commended the Philippine government for releasing Executive Order No. 51, which created a special committee on LGBTQIA+ affairs.

“We are confident that the UN Resolution will bolster the Philippines’ efforts in developing a comprehensive and unified strategy to protect and promote the rights of intersex people,” the CHR stated.

The Commission emphasized that the integration of international and national policy frameworks is crucial for effectively addressing human rights issues.

The CHR remains hopeful that the resolution will inspire collaborative efforts to end discriminatory policies, violence, and harmful practices against intersex and LGBTQIA+ individuals.

“As a people’s Commission for all, ‘CHR ng Lahat: Naglilingkod maging sino ka man,’ we will continue to fulfill our mandate in upholding the rights and dignity of every Filipino, without any prejudice to their gender identity, social status, or individual circumstances,” the CHR concluded.