COVID-19 cases in WV breaches 50

By Emme Rose Santiagudo

The total cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Western Visayas has already surpassed 50, following the three new cases recorded in Antique on Monday.

Out of the 201 laboratory results released on Sunday, three were positive according to the Department of Health-Center for Health Development in Western Visayas (DOH-CHD) 6.

According to Dr. Renilyn Reyes spokesperson of DOH-CHD 6, the three new patients in Antique are close contacts of WV Patient No. 39. He is a 69-year-old male in Pandan, Antique.

“Our three new cases are close contacts of WV Patient No. 39. They are all asymptomatic and are under quarantine,” Reyes said in an online press briefing on Monday.

The new cases are labelled as WV Patient No. 50,  a 32-year-old male from Pandan, Antique and under home quarantine; WV Patient No. 51, a 28 year-old female from Pandan, Antique and under facility quarantine; and  WV Patient No. 52, a 33 year-old female from Pandan,  Antique under facility quarantine.

The health department said additional cases recorded since April 16 are all close contacts of previous confirmed Covid-19 cases.

“Since April 16 up to this point, ang tanan naton nga positibo mga close contacts sang mga previous positive and confirmed cases. In Pandan, Antique for example the first case infected four individuals who are all the patient’s close contact,” she said

The three new additional cases in Antique brings the total of Covid-19 cases in the region to 52 with eight recoveries and seven deaths.

Thirteen patients are admitted while 17 are under home quarantine.

Meanwhile, seven patients are under facility quarantine.