Dalaw Turo: An Eye Opener  

(Left photo) Dalaw Turo at The Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School on October 12, 2023, and at Lopez Jaena National High School (right photo). (PENRO Negros Occidental)

Younger generations have their own unique ways to be heard by the general public on their stand on environmental protection and conservation – they have been active environmentalists and partners of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Region 6.

Gaining more connection with our young environmental partners, the Provincial ENR Office of Negros Occidental had conducted two (2) Dalaw Turo (DT) activities in the province together with the selected personnel from Community ENROs of Bago City and Cadiz City, and the offices of Mt. Kanlaon Natural Park (MKNP), and Northern Negros Natural Park (NNNP).

On October 12, 2023 the DT was conducted at the Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental. It was participated by almost a hundred Grade 7 students. The team prepared a series of environmental activities/games and lectures that were given to the participants. Principal IV, Dindo M. Ampalla, acknowledged the support and cooperation of the DT Team and their students during the activity where he highlighted that “we are all connected to one another.”

Furthermore, on October 19, 2023 another DT Activity was conducted at Lopez Jaena National High School, Murcia, Negros Occidental. Participants were the eighty (80) Grade 12- STEM students who actively took part in the activities prepared by the DT Team. Amidst the power outage experienced by the school, it didn’t discourage the DT Team to push through with the scheduled visit with the full support of School Principal Margie Sta. Ana and the teachers.

One of the highlights of the two DT activities was the signing of the Pledge of Environmental Commitment by the students after their representatives reflected on the things they have learned. They have shared significant ways they can do in order to be good stewards in environmental protection.

“As the youths and students learn the impact of human action to the environment, it becomes clearer to them that they have a huge responsibility to fill for their own future,” said DENR 6 Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran.

“May we always keep in mind that ‘Ikaw, Ako, Tayo ang Kalikasan,” was his ending statement.

Dalaw Turo, which comes from two Filipino words that mean “to visit” (dalaw) and “to teach” (turo) is an innovative educational tool for teaching and promoting environmental messages on nature conservation. It is a non-traditional, non-formal, and participatory approach in raising public awareness on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. It makes use of various forms media such as games, skits, and dialogues to make learning about the environment interactive, student-friendly and effective. (DENR-6)