IN VIEW of the 2019 midterm elections, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) 6 reminded all candidates to be mindful of the environment and spare the trees from their campaign materials.
We encourage all candidates to display their campaign materials in designated posting areas. We also appeal to candidates and their supporters to use recyclable materials and be environmentally responsible for their campaign materials, said DENR 6 Regional Executive Director Francisco E. Milla Jr.
Section 3 of Presidential Decree 953 prohibits the cutting, destroying or injuring of planted growing trees, flowering plants and shrubs or plants of scenic values along public roads, in plazas, park, school premises or in any other public ground except when necessary for public safety or to enhance its beauty and only upon the approval of a duly authorized representative.
Hanging and nailing of campaign materials on trees could damage the tissues responsible for moving water and nutrients throughout the trees system. The tree could take longer to heal and therefore be under more stress. Stressed-out, unhealthy plants are vulnerable to pest or disease problems than healthy plants.
The DENR warned that the campaign materials posted on trees will be removed immediately without prior notice and regardless of who the owners are. Anyone who violates this law will be imprisoned for not less than six months but not more than two years. (DENR-6)