Aiming to gather the public and private sectors across the Philippines to discuss innovative solutions for the housing development industry, The Subdivision and Housing Developers Association (SHDA) Inc., in partnership with the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD), will conduct its annual National Developers Convention online with Plenary Sessions on October 28 to 29, and November 4 to 5, 2021.
With the theme “Beyond The Pandemic: The Future of Housing,” National Developers Convention 2021 will focus on providing an avenue for housing and property developers, key practitioners in the housing industry from the national and local government, and key stakeholders in the housing sector to tackle how they can collaborate in redesigning the housing industry through innovation and green initiatives with the ultimate goal to create smart subdivisions.
The virtual convention will be delivered via a customized microsite containing offerings and elements that will be educational for all delegates and participants. SHDA invites all the people involved in the housing development sector to join them in the event.
Anyone interested to participate can register for free through this registration link (https://shda.events/events/shdanatcon2021)
The event will also spotlight the most talked-about trends in the housing development sector, including the ROI on going green for housing projects, disruptive and innovative technologies in housing development, and the creation of smart subdivisions, which is a vital component in making smart cities possible. Speakers include Emma Imperial of green mass housing producer Imperial Homes, Rommel Benig of eco-bricks manufacturer Green Antz, Jo Ann Eala of BPI’s Sustainability Group, Jean de Castro of engineering firm ESCA International, Sylvester Wong of green infrastructure designer AECOM, and Gerry Choa of ProFriends. Senator Francis Tolentino, Chairman of Urban Planning, Housing, and Resettlement will discuss the benefits of using green initiatives and technological innovations to lower costs in building mass housing projects.
According to Rosie Tsai-Wang, SHDA Chairman, “Our key partner agencies: DHSUD, Pag-Ibig BOI and ARTA are committed to resilient building for better homes and
The opening of the event will be graced by DHSUD Secretary Eduardo Del Rosario, who is in charge of presenting the current situation in the housing industry in the light of today’s challenges. He will be joined by Fermin Sta Teresa Jr, Senior Vice-President, Pag-ibig fund, Atty. Angel Aguila, OIC Director, Housing Real Estate and Regulation Bureau (HRDRB), Ma. Corazon Dichosa, Executive Director, Industry Development Services, Board of Investments and Undersecretary Eduardo Bringas of Anti-Red Tape Authority.
SHDA is also hosting the first-ever Pag-Ibig Virtual Housing Fair on the microsite on October 30 and 31, 2021 and invites home buyers to the convention as well.
process innovations to streamline regulatory choke points. Our speakers will highlight these themes and provide our audience with other important developments in the housing industry.”
“We want to showcase innovative tech solutions to pain points experienced by housing developers. Thinking Machines’ AI and data driven tech can help identify development locations, Umpisa’s HomeJoy automates the home buying, selling and financing process, PDP Architects’ BIM-driven design lowers construction costs,” Maya K. Colayco, SHDA Governor said.
Meanwhile, Atty Joy Z. Manaog, First Vice President and Chair of the National Convention Committee said, “We want to show our member developers and colleagues in the housing industry that it is not just desirable, but also financially feasible to build a green mass-housing subdivision. Pag-Ibig, NHMFC and BOI will talk about financial incentives for this. IFC’s EDGE and BPI’s Sustainability Group will discuss some financing options available to developers.”
The event is an annual gathering of experts and stakeholders to discuss the future of the housing development conducted by SHDA. With over 300 members from chapters in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, SHDA is the major and leading organization of housing developers in the Philippines. SHDA is at the forefront in promoting and safeguarding the interests of its members through continued coordination and linkages with government agencies and allied professionals. SHDA envisions to be the leading voice in articulating the advocacy of the housing industry in the Philippines, thus becoming a responsive, esteemed, trustworthy, and relevant developers’ organization in the country.