Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-6) Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran and Mayor Jose Enrique Miraflores of Ibajay, Aklan led the ribbon cutting activity for the “Footwalk to Nature” last September 9, 2021.
It was also witnessed by Ibajay Vice Mayor Plaridel Solidum, Aklan PENR Officer Merlene B. Aborka, and DENR 6 regional senior officials and employees.
In his message, Duran emphasized that, “LGU Ibajay became popular in our advocacy in local governance because of this mangrove project that served as laboratory for ecological education”.
He thanked to the LGU and commended them for supporting DENR’s major programs and projects.
Duran also highlighted the major DENR ecological projects within the province of Aklan, namely: Boracay Island as the best tropical beach in the world; the Kalibo Mangrove Ecopark – adjudged as the best not only in the country but in the whole of Southeast Asia; Jawili Training Center; The Agoho plantation; the mechanized nursery and PDC site provided to PAMANA beneficiaries that will serve as the permanent resettlement area for the rebel returnees to become an ordinary citizen.
Katunggan it Ibajay Eco Park is a way for the LGU to promote education and disseminate information about the importance of nature conservation.
This footwalk with handrail spans 400 linear meter. Aside from the existing 2 km. eco park, Ibajay is looking forward for additional 1.6 km. and plans to allocate an additional P10-million budget.
Despite the pandemic, where foreign and even local visitors numbers has largely dropped, LGU Ibajay together with Mayor Miraflores still aims to continue making the place more beautiful filled with woods for natural beauty and with engineering intervention for a longer life span.
They are excited on the opening of the eco-park for tourists and researchers alike to see the beauty of this mangrove project. A 20-peso entrance fee is required to help the local workers because the pandemic greatly affected their income. (DENR-6)