God calls us despite whatever

By Fr. Roy Cimagala

THAT intriguing story of how St. Matthew, a tax-collector, was called by Christ to be one of his apostles (cfr. Mt 9,9-13) brings out the truth of our Christian faith that God can choose anyone to pursue a special vocation and ministry, irrespective of how that person is.

It should be clear to us that it is God who will enable and empower us to carry out what God has in mind for us. On our part, we should just try our best to be as receptive and responsive to God’s call and designs. We all know that we can only do so much, but we are assured by St. Paul that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1,6)

Let’s never forget that God is ever eager to share what he has with us, we being his image and likeness, meant to share his very own life and nature. He, of course, will allot what is proper to us according to his plans for the world and for the whole of humanity. We should just be open and welcoming to whatever he shares with us.

We, of course, have our own limitations, let alone, our strong tendency to fall into sin and into all sorts of anomalies. But then again, as St. Paul reminded us, “I (we) can do all things through Him who strengthens and empowers me (us)…” (Phil 4,13)

Indeed, as St. Paul mentioned, we can manage to be all things to all men. (cfr. 1 Cor 9,22) And we can handle any situation in life, whether good or bad in human terms, as long as we do everything with God and for God. If our faith in God is strong and abiding, we know that everything will work out for the good. (cfr. Rom 8,28)

So, there’s really no reason for us to be overly concerned and worried about anything. On the contrary, we have every reason to be serene, confident and hopeful. Yes, we can manage to be cheerful, with a smile that never leaves our face.

We should just be quick to receive whatever God gives or shares with us. And be very generous in corresponding to God’s will and designs for us. For this, we have to learn how to be ambitious and bold in setting up goals that are relevant to God’s will for us. We should also be creative and resourceful in coming up with the relevant means and instruments we need to pursue God’s will.

There is really no reason for us to feel insecure in carrying out God’s will for us. We know that more than us, it is God who will do things for us and with us. Victory and success are guaranteed, although we are not exempted from going through a lot of trials and sufferings.

But then again, if we would go through these trials and sufferings with Christ, we know that they are occasions for us to identify ourselves more with Christ, the pattern of our humanity and the savior of our damaged humanity. Those trials and sufferings are occasions to learn what true love is, expanding our very restrictive idea of what love is.

We should often ask ourselves, “Lord, what do you want me to do now?” And from there, let’s embark on a most exciting divine adventure meant for the good of all men and for the glorification of our Father God!

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com