A network of digital advocates today asked the Office of the Ombudsman to include private firms Sunwest Construction and Development Corporation, LDLA Marketing and Trading, Inc. and VST ECS Philippines in the charge sheet on the Department of Education’s purchase of allegedly overpriced laptops.
Digital Pinoys National Campaigner Ronald Gustilo said that the Ombudsman should ensure that the involved contractors in the anomalous Celeron laptop deal will face the music and be held accountable.
“It is just right for the Ombudsman to include Sunwest, LDLA, and VST ECS in these cases as they are ones that are seemingly in collusion with some government officials to defraud our government and the Filipino people.”
Gustilo and his group has been calling for the blacklisting of private companies involved in the DepEd laptop controversy since last year when the scandal hit national headlines.
“Contractors who willingly participate in anomalous deals should be banned from participating in any and all government transactions. It is unacceptable and must be dealt with by the government.”
Digital Pinoys’ call came on the heel of the Ombudsman’s recent decision to suspend several current and former DepEd officials in connection to the said laptop controversy. Also suspended by the Ombudsman are former and current employees of the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) in relation to the Pharmally scandal.
“Since the Ombudsman listed four Pharmally officials in the PS-DBM charge sheet, we think it is just appropriate for them to also include key officials of involved laptop contractors in the DepEd case. The same logic must apply to both as the two cases are equally scandalous and blatant.”