GUIMELCO extends power bills payment, cancels mass gathering

JORDAN – Guimaras Electric Cooperative (GUIMELCO) will be extending the power bills payment of its Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs) and cancelled all its activities involving mass gathering including the 36th Annual General Membership Assembly (AGMA) amidst the challenges faced by the country brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is also in support to the orders of the government to ensure health and safety of the public and to avoid further transmission of the COVID-19.

In a public advisory, General Manager Shirley S. Laurente, stated that, “to ensure that MCOs will be able to prioritize their health needs during these challenging times, our due dates that fall between March 15 – April 14, 2020 is hereby suspended without penalty.”

The extension will be as follows:

READING DATE                  ORIGINAL DUE DATE                   EXTENDED DUE DATE

March 21                              March 30                                         April 20

March 22                              March 31                                         April 21

March 23                              April 1                                              April 22

March 24                              April 2                                              April 23

March 25                              April 3                                              April 24

March 26                              April 4                                              April 27

March 27                              April 5                                              April 28

March 28                              April 6                                              April 29


MCOs are likewise encouraged to pay their bills before their due dates to avoid the crowd.

Meanwhile, payments are still accepted at GUIMELCO Offices from 8:30AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday for all MCOs and payment centers such as Palawan Pawnshop and RD Pawnshop nationwide (depending on their business hours).

It is also encouraged that all requests and complaints be addressed through GUIMELCO 24/7 hotline or Official Social Media Accounts, as follows:

Contact Center Operators

SMART: 09983692121

GLOBE: 09173030191

TELEFAX: (033) 581-2919

Official Social Media Accounts

Facebook: (Guimaras Electric Cooperative, Inc)

Messenger: (@guimelco)

GUIMELCO Office hours have been adjusted to 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday except for line maintenance and contact center operators who will still be available 24/7 to cater requests and concerns regarding electric service.

For new applicants, Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES) is also cancelled until further notice. However, new electric connection applicants may proceed processing all other requirements and may attend the PMES once the restriction has been lifted.

Laurente emphasized that MCOs transacting with the cooperative must follow health and safety procedures as well as make necessary precautions and cooperate with the government protocols for everyone’s good.