Kagawad nabbed in gun raid 

By Jennifer P. Rendon 

A village official was arrested following a firearm raid at his house in Igbaras, Iloilo early morning of October 14.

Police only named the arrested barangay kagawad as Joel, 55, of Barangay Alameda, Igbaras.

Members of Igbaras Municipal Police Station and the 61st Iloilo Provincial Mobile Force Company swooped down on Joel’s abode by virtue of Search Warrant No. 05-2023.

Policemen seized a caliber .45 pistol loaded with ammunition.

Lieutenant Martin Pugales, Igbaras police chief, said the search operation was an offshoot of a complaint against Joel for threatening a constituent with his firearm.

Joel, who was on his last term as village councilman, claimed that the firearm was given to him.

He did not disclose who he got it from.

Pugales said the suspect had no previous arrest and was not also on their watchlist for any criminal involvement.

Joel is now detained and will be charged with violation of Republic Act 10591 (Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act).